Summer 2023 Offerings

Use this time off from school as more than a "break" - use it to "break out" on the court next season! With our dedicated training programs we can take your volleyball game to the next level!

Indoor Training

One of the patterns that we see over and over again as high school and club volleyball coaches is that time off leads to a decrease in skill level. The main difference between a player coming into September training camp having increased skill or losing skill is what they did over the summer. That is why we are excited both for our Week-Long Camps and Small-Group Sessions.

Week-Long Camps

These are one of the foundations of our NextGen Training Offerings. Just like at Team BC trainings, we offer week-long, three hour camps that blend individual skills, team play, mental exercises, and agility / strength workouts.

Summer Offerings: Week-long, 3 hr / day camps with a combination of skill development, sports psych, agility training, and gameplay.

Small-Group Sessions

Targeted for those athletes wanting to take their positional knowledge and skill up to the next level, these are semi-private practices with coaches working rigorously to ensure proper technique is developed.

Summer Offerings: Setters, Middles, Outsides, and Passers semi-private sessions.

Weight Training

For those older athletes (going into Grade 11 & 12) who are looking to add physicality and build muscle through weight training we have individually crafted programs and weekly "team lifts" with a qualified trainer there to oversee sessions.

Summer Offerings: Weight Training Programs & Weekly Supervised Lifting

Beach Training

Beach volleyball is a unique sport that can be an excellent compliment to indoor volleyball. However, our athletes and coaches see beach volleyball as more than just something to do in the summer until indoor season begins again. Led by current and former beach circuit players, our program seeks to help players excel in this dynamic and engaging athletic endeavour.

Summer Offerings: Tri-weekly practice schedule, regular inter-squad scrimmages, weight training program, Volleyball BC Tournaments.